
Review: Induro CT213 Tripod

About a year ago I suddenly became in the market for a new tripod when the one I was using was blown off a cliff during a sunrise shoot in Geraldton, Western Australia. I managed to retrieve the tripod but the centre shaft had snapped and it was completely useless. […]

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Location Location Location

Hey All, I’ve been asked a few times recently as to why I rarely share specifically where my photos have been taken or why I don’t write down exact settings for many of my images. Instead of answering the question directly, I thought I’d put together a blog post on […]

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Fuji X-Pro1

Hey All, I’ve been fortunate enough to be given a Fuji X-Pro1 to road test by Leigh Diprose and FujiFilm Australia over the next few days. I’m heading away on a short road trip to whereabouts unknown, so I’ll be semi-offline until Sunday. When I get back, I’ll be sharing […]

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It’s not about the process

My last post on this topic for at least the next few weeks, I promise! One last point for the mythical purists: You are “editing” reality when you select your ISO, your aperture, your shutter speed.. heck if you shoot film, the very type of film you use will dictate […]

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Resources to help your photography

Hey All, There is a blog post of mine doing the rounds at the moment expressing my frustration with a few things that get said and some advice to new photographers. In the blog post I mentioned that I would be posting a list of resources.. well this is that […]

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You must have a nice camera

I hope this doesn’t come across as a rant.. because it’s not how it’s supposed to come across.. this is some advice to those starting out in photography and some thoughts on photography in general. – “You must have an awesome camera”.. don’t fall into the trap of thinking new […]

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