About a year ago I suddenly became in the market for a new tripod when the one I was using was blown off a cliff during a sunrise shoot in Geraldton, Western Australia. I managed to retrieve the tripod but the centre shaft had snapped and it was completely useless. […]
Read MoreArticles by Paul
Australian Landscapes – Video
Hey All, Well first of all I have to say a *huge* thank you for the amazing amount of support I received yesterday after my April fools blog post about Quitting Photography. There were some incredibly kind comments as well as some reminders of some of the exceptional clients […]
Read MoreLatest Travels and Projects
Hey All, It’s been an incredibly busy year so far, I can’t believe we’re in Autumn here in Australia already! I’m looking forward to the weather and conditions that Autumn and Winter bring though, I’ve scouted a few new locations that I think will be perfect to photograph in winter. […]
Read MoreLocation Location Location
Hey All, I’ve been asked a few times recently as to why I rarely share specifically where my photos have been taken or why I don’t write down exact settings for many of my images. Instead of answering the question directly, I thought I’d put together a blog post on […]
Read MoreFuji X-Pro1 – Initial Thoughts
Hey All, I’ve been lucky enough to be given a Fuji X-Pro1 by Leigh Diprose for the last few days to give it a road test and see what I can do with it. I was heading away for the weekend already, so I took the X-Pro1 on a bit […]
Read MoreFuji X-Pro1
Hey All, I’ve been fortunate enough to be given a Fuji X-Pro1 to road test by Leigh Diprose and FujiFilm Australia over the next few days. I’m heading away on a short road trip to whereabouts unknown, so I’ll be semi-offline until Sunday. When I get back, I’ll be sharing […]
Read MoreIt’s not about the process
My last post on this topic for at least the next few weeks, I promise! One last point for the mythical purists: You are “editing” reality when you select your ISO, your aperture, your shutter speed.. heck if you shoot film, the very type of film you use will dictate […]
Read MoreGetting it right in camera and the mythical purist
I’ve had some pretty interesting responses to my blog post “Is post-processing cheating“, most of the response has been positive and supportive, with a few of the “purists” weighing in to have their say too. Here is a short version of my photography philosophy so to speak: Getting it right […]
Read MoreIs post-processing “cheating”?
Hey All, Just recently I had an image go fairly viral on Google+ with over 2700 +1s, 795 re-shares and 500 comments, it is an image of Perth city with several lightning strikes behind it, the image was published in The West Australian newspaper and on several news websites at […]
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